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  • J. & W. Lowry

Top 3 things to consider when working on a specialised supported living development

Updated: Jul 5, 2022

J. & W. Lowry is proud of our work with supported living developments and we always seek to share the expertise that we have acquired.

Supported Living developments can have varying needs and there are a number of things that are useful to consider when working on such projects.

With core values in place and open communication at every stage of the development process, specialised supported living developments can have a positive impact on the lives of people both within and beyond the development itself.

Top 3 things to consider when working on a specialised supported living development

1. Can the design be kept in accordance with the surrounding area?

It’s really important to ensure that wherever possible, a supported living development can blend in appropriately with the local area.

There are many factors to consider here but generally aiming to keep the overall design in accordance with other buildings and properties in the immediate vicinity will be beneficial to everyone involved.

2. Is there open communication with everyone involved in the project?

Having an open dialogue between everyone involved in any development project is crucial. With a supported living development it’s essential that those who will be working directly in the building itself and the future residents are consulted and listened to from the earliest possible stage in the design.

Care providers should be consulted about how the spaces will function and designers should work directly with developers,project managers and future residents to ensure all areas are considered and key knowledge is shared.

3. How will the design seek to maximise communal areas and outdoor spaces?

A supported living development is a highly valued home to those who live there. Yet it’s important to remember that they are likely to also have visitors and family coming to the property on a regular basis.

For this reason, communal areas as well as private spaces for both staff and visitors are essential when designing and developing supported living developments.

The inclusion of green outdoor spaces within a development can help to reduce levels of carbon dioxide and increase the building’s carbon footprint. The ability to step outside or enjoy a garden area can also have a dramatic impact on the positive mental, emotional and physical wellbeing of both staff and residents.

Creating the best possible specialised supported living developments

There are so many ways in which specialised supported living developments can have a positive impact on hundreds of thousands of people’s lives in the UK alone.

At J. & W. Lowry we are committed to employing our core family values at the heart of everything that we do and into each of our projects. We believe that our unrivalled and unique approach to each project helps to transform lives and produce incredible results.

To speak to us today about opportunities to work together, please visit us at J. & W. Lowry and get in touch


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